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Lingual braces: brackets behind the teeth

Lingual braces are fixed braces placed behind the teeth. Like conventional ‘train-track braces’, they are attached with metal arches, bands and brackets.

Date: 19.8.24
Temps de lecture:4min

What are lingual braces?

Lingual braces use what is known as ‘lingual orthodontics’ and follow a similar principle to conventional fixed braces that are attached to the outside of the teeth. The difference is that they sit behind the teeth and are thus barely visible to others.

The word ‘lingual’ is derived from the Latin word for ‘tongue’ and indicates that the braces are on the ‘tongue side’.

Treatment with lingual braces takes between 1 and 2.5 years on average and can be very time-consuming for patients. Even though the brackets are constantly rinsed by saliva, they make the patient’s dental hygiene routine take longer. The loss rate of brackets that are placed behind the teeth is also higher. This means that unscheduled additional dentist appointments may be necessary.

Pros of lingual braces

  • Discreet look
  • Can correct very different severities of malocclusion
  • Successful treatment with precise results

Cons of lingual braces

  • Pain during the course of treatment
  • Can cause injury/irritation to the tongue
  • Can impair speech
  • Difficult to perform adjustments due to difficult-to-reach position
  • Difficult to care for and clean
  • High costs
  • Higher bracket-loss rate than that of braces fixed on the outside

For whom are lingual braces suitable?

Lingual braces are suitable for every age group and for a wide range of malocclusions. They enable even complex cases to be treated successfully and precisely. They are ideal for adults who have complex malocclusions and specifically want discreet treatment.

What malocclusions can be corrected with lingual orthodontics?

Just like conventional dental brackets, lingual braces can be used to correct almost all malocclusions. This method has a long proven track record in orthodontics and promises very good treatment results.

Lingual braces are suitable for correcting tooth and jaw malpositions, and are used for the following indications, among others:

These days, the aforementioned indications can also be corrected using other methods. In some cases, transparent aligners can be the ideal way to discreetly achieve straight teeth.

How does treatment with lingual braces work in orthodontics?

Treatment with lingual braces is usually time-consuming for both the patient and the orthodontist. Usually, the treatment is relatively lengthy and requires many check-ups. The inner dental arch is fitted with brackets and wires that have to be tightened regularly, in order to achieve the desired tooth movement. The brackets and wires exert pressure on the teeth, which shifts them into the desired position.

As the wires are behind the teeth, tightening takes longer and is more complex than with a conventional multi-band bracket appliance on the outside of the teeth.

How much do lingual braces cost in Switzerland?

In Switzerland, treatment using lingual braces can be expected to cost up to CHF 15,000 on average. The price of the treatment varies and depends on the complexity of the case.

Does health insurance cover treatment with lingual braces in Switzerland?

The question of whether the costs of lingual braces are covered by health insurance depends on the type of insurance, the patient’s age and the malocclusion.

For adolescents, the malocclusion must be of a certain severity level in order for the treatment costs to be covered. For adults, it depends on whether supplementary insurance has been taken out.

To find out whether your dental correction will be covered, it is best to contact your health insurance company directly.

Are lingual braces the right choice for me?

You should definitely consult a specialist to determine which type of braces is suitable for you, if any. Generally speaking, lingual braces can be a good solution for relatively major and complex tooth or jaw corrections.

In some cases, transparent aligners can be the ideal way to discreetly straighten teeth. To see which option is best for you, come visit us in one of our practices and get advice from our specialists.

Aligners vs. lingual braces

Straight teeth with clear bestsmile Aligners

Lingual braces and aligners both lead to a beautiful smile very discreetly. However, aligners are not an alternative to lingual braces in all cases, as they cannot correct as many malocclusions.

For mild to moderate malocclusions, clear aligners are the ideal solution for many adults. Aligners are transparent, can be cleaned easily and enable a shorter treatment time than lingual braces.


Clear braces

Pros and cons of clear aligners

Pros of aligners

  • Discreet look
  • Removable
  • Low level of pain
  • Fast results
  • Easy to clean

Cons of aligners

  • Not suitable for complex cases
  • Require responsibility and cooperation

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