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L’orthodontie grâce à un appareil dentaire transparent

Lorsque la science éprouvée rencontre la technologie la plus récente… Alors que les orthodontistes existent depuis plus de 100 ans, les gouttières, encore appelées «aligneurs», inventées il y a une vingtaine d'années ont révolutionné ce domaine de la dentisterie.

Date: 5.9.24
Temps de lecture:7min

Que sont les orthodontistes ?

Les orthodontistes sont des dentistes spécialisés dans la correction des dents désalignées. Ces corrections peuvent être effectuées sur des personnes jeunes ou âgées et servent non seulement à des fins esthétiques mais aussi à des améliorations fonctionnelles. A l'âge adulte, la majorité des corrections sont d'ordre esthétique, car beaucoup de gens n'aiment avoir des dents de travers.

Orthodontists are dentists who specialise in fixing misaligned teeth. Crooked teeth can be corrected in children, adolescents and adults.

Do I need an orthodontist or a dentist?

Generally speaking, every dentist can perform orthodontic treatment. However, orthodontists have additional training in this field. Whether an orthodontist or a dentist is right for you depends on the severity of your malocclusion.

Good to know

The American dentist Edward H. Angle (1855–1930) is considered the most important person and founder of scientific orthodontics. In 1887, he published a groundbreaking book with the first categorisation of malocclusions according to different classes. Orthodontics has been a subject of study since 1955.

Orthodontics for adults

As a general rule, basic questions about dental and oral health can be addressed at a dentist. For correcting the position of the teeth, you should go to an orthodontist.

Since bestsmile only offers treatment with aligners and veneers and doesn't offer conventional treatments like at a normal dentist, all of our dentists are specialised in this subfield. For jaws that are done growing, it doesn't matter if the treatment is conducted by a dentist or an orthodontist.

Orthodontics for children

When it comes to treating kids or teens whose jaws are still growing, the specialised orthodontists at bestsmile are here to help.

Our expert team of dentists and orthodontists would be happy to advise you in person.

Orthodontic treatment for adults

Teeth straightening treatments aren't only done for aesthetic reasons but can also bring about functional improvements.

For adults, orthodontic treatment can be indicated either because the teeth were not corrected at a younger age or because the teeth shift throughout our entire lifetimes. Many adults opt for bestsmile Aligner treatment from the wide range of orthodontic treatments available. They are transparent and barely visible – and therefore especially suitable for the workplace.


Clear braces

Orthodontic treatment for children

There are some differences between orthodontics for children and teenagers and for adults. This is mostly due to the fact that young people's jaws are still growing, which often makes certain movements easier to achieve compared to adults.

There are various orthodontic treatments for correcting malocclusions in children and teenagers, and transparent Aligners are growing in popularity among this age group.

When should a child go to the orthodontist?

The answer to this question depends on the child. In many cases, it's recommended to send your child to the orthodontist at an early stage so that any malocclusions can be identified and treated as soon as possible.

In many cases, however, it only makes sense to start with orthodontic treatment once the adult teeth have come in. It's usually recommended to start treatment once no more baby teeth are present, usually at around 11 years old.

bestsmile Teens Aligner

Aligners have been a proven orthodontic treatment for many years now. At bestsmile, we also offer transparent braces to patients starting at age 11. The only requirement is that the adult teeth have come in and that the front teeth are no longer baby teeth.

Book an appointment now

Learn more about bestsmile Teens Aligners or schedule a free appointment for an expert consultation with our orthodontists.

How much do orthodontic treatments cost in Switzerland?

Costs for orthodontic treatment in Switzerland range from CHF 2,500 up to CHF 15,000. The costs are entirely dependent on the treatment method and the patient's situation.

Aligners for one jaw are available at bestsmile starting at CHF 3,490. Aligners for both jaws cost CHF 3,990. Depending on the extras that you may need, such as attachments, wire retainers or Night Guard, there may be additional costs. The bestsmile Teens Aligner is available starting at CHF 6,490.

For both an adult Aligner treatment or a Teens Aligner, you'll be informed of the total costs from the beginning, and you can also pay in flexible monthly instalments.

Our article about the types of braces and costs contains all you need to know about the different orthodontic treatments, including the price.

What costs are paid by health insurance?

Whether your health insurance covers treatment and how much they pay can vary a lot. The type of insurance, whether you have supplementary insurance and the health insurance company all play a role in the cost coverage. It’s best to check directly with your health insurance provider about whether the costs of your orthodontic treatment are covered.

What orthodontic treatment methods are available?

The first textbooks on orthodontics appeared around 1880. At that time, the aids consisted of brace bands with screws attached to the tooth, which were later supplemented by elastic bands. In the 1860s, the multiband technique, often referred to as brackets, was introduced and is still one of the most important and proven methods in use today.

Since then, a wide variety of orthodontic treatment methods have been developed. In addition to conventional fixed braces, there are also removable trays. Orthodontics distinguishes between the following types:

  • Aligners
  • Activator appliances
  • Bionators (braces made of metal and plastic that use the strength of the mouth muscles)

Activators and bionators are mostly used in children since their jaws are still growing. If the jaw is finished growing, then these types of braces are not suitable. However, fixed braces and dental aligners exert enough pressure to move teeth by a few millimetres even in adulthood.

Our guide covers different kinds of dental braces, how much they cost and which ones are right for you.

What malocclusions can be corrected with an orthodontic treatment?

Different kinds of malocclusions can be corrected using different methods.

Fixed braces

  • Also suitable for highly complex cases
  • Can correct almost every kind of malocclusion


  • Suitable for mild to moderate malocclusions
  • Limited in their ability to correct jaw misalignment

Suitable for correcting the following kinds of malocclusions:

Removable braces

  • Can support jaw development
  • Only possible if the jaws are still growing


  • In some cases, surgical intervention can be necessary to correct misaligned teeth.

You should always visit a qualified dentist or orthodontist to assess which orthodontic treatment is best for you. At bestsmile, the initial consultation is free of charge. Visit us today for an expert assessment.

Orthodontic treatment with bestsmile Aligner

The method of correcting teeth with transparent and removable dental splints was developed in 1945. Since then, there has been a great deal of technological progress, which has also revolutionised the field of orthodontics. Invisalign was introduced in the US in 1999. Since 2018, bestsmile has also been offering orthodontic treatments in Switzerland using transparent braces – based on the latest technology and cutting-edge knowledge.

Check out our impressive before and after photos to see why transparent aligners have become one of the most popular orthodontic treatments.

Are the results long-lasting?

Orthodontic treatment is only long-lasting if the new position of the teeth is correctly fixed into place. No matter what kind of orthodontic device you choose, there are two possibilities: a wire retainer or a removable retainer (Retainer Aligner).

Wire retainer

We almost always recommend that you follow up a successful Aligner treatment with a wire retainer. It is attached to the back of the teeth, making it invisible to others. It keeps your bite in the right position over the long term without the need to constantly worry about it. If you opt for the bestsmile wire retainer, you will get a 10-year guarantee on your new bite.

Retainer splint

In some cases, it's not possible to apply a wire retainer – for example, if the teeth are tilted in such a way that makes biting together difficult. However, even in these situations, the new bite needs to be kept in place. The Retainer Splint, which is only worn at night, helps to keep your new bite in the right position.

How can I find an orthodontist near me in Switzerland?

With bestsmile, you can have your dental treatment near where you live. Find the most convenient practice for you:

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