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Dental brackets

Fixed dental brackets have long been a proven orthodontic method for straightening teeth. Nowadays, however, there are also modern and discreet alternatives such as clear aligners. In this article we will tell you what malocclusions dental brackets can correct, how much they cost in Switzerland and what alternatives there are.

Date: 20.8.24
Temps de lecture:5min

What are dental brackets?

Orthodontic or dental brackets are square-shaped components attached to the teeth. These components hold the fixed braces in place to move the teeth into the desired position using attached wires. The advantage of these types of dental braces is that they can correct almost all malocclusions.

The wires and brackets attached to the entire row of teeth may visually resemble a railing, fence or train tracks. Colloquially, these braces are therefore often referred to as train track braces.

Advantages of dental brackets

  • Also suitable for complex cases
  • Cannot be forgotten

Disadvantages of dental brackets

  • Require many appointments for check-ups and adjustments
  • Can be painful
  • Often very expensive
  • Very visible
  • Difficult oral hygiene

Types of fixed braces

Tooth brackets come in various types and materials:

Metal brackets

The most common ones are metal brackets. They are a standard procedure in orthodontics and you can recognise them by the coloured elastics that are stretched around the metal brackets.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces follow the same principle as fixed braces with metal brackets. The difference is that they are attached to the inner side of the tooth. Treatment with lingual braces is visually discreet, but very time-consuming since the wires are harder to reach and the risk of injuring the tongue is also higher.

Edgewise technique

The Edgewise technique is a special method of teeth straightening with brackets and wire.

This version of the multibracket appliance involves brackets with one slot and two or four fixing components. The wire is placed into the slot and a rubber or metal holder is pulled over the fixing components to prevent the wire from slipping out of the slot.

Begg technique

The Begg technique was named after its inventor Percy Raymond Begg. It describes a special method of teeth straightening with brackets and wire.

With this teeth straightening technique, not all parts of the teeth are moved at the same time. First, it is necessary to move the crowns into the desired position, and only afterwards the roots are moved. Although the crowns can be moved relatively quickly, the entire treatment is very time-consuming and has never prevailed over the Edgewise technique.

Who are dental brackets well suited for?

Dental brackets are considered a proven orthodontic treatment method. They can usually be used as soon as all adult teeth have started coming in, i.e.: when there are no baby teeth left. It is therefore a particularly popular treatment method in paediatric dentistry and for teenagers.

It is therefore widely used in paediatric dentistry and for adolescents in particular.

Which malocclusions can orthodontic brackets correct?

Dental brackets can be used to correct some of the most complex malocclusions. They can correct both malpositioned teeth and jaws and are used alongside other treatment methods for the following indications:

Nowadays, there are also more modern ways to correct the above-mentioned malocclusions. For moderate and mild misalignments, transparent aligners can be an ideal alternative.

How does treatment with brackets work in orthodontics?

Treatment with orthodontic brackets usually requires numerous appointments. Brackets and wires are attached to the entire dental arch to slowly move the teeth into the desired position. In order for the desired tooth movement to take place, these wires need to be tightened or replaced regularly by the orthodontist.

How much do dental brackets cost in Switzerland?

The cost of brackets in Switzerland can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the malocclusion. However, there may also be differences between providers or orthodontists. In Switzerland, you can expect to spend an average of CHF 10,000 to CHF 15,000 for orthodontic brackets.

How much do fixed braces cost?

Other fixed braces cost about the same as tooth brackets. Depending on the complexity and duration of the treatment, the costs range from CHF 10,000 to CHF 15,000.

Does health insurance cover treatment with dental brackets in Switzerland?

This depends mainly on the type of insurance and on the complexity of the malocclusion.

The severity of the malocclusion is divided into 5 different levels. Health insurance will only cover the costs for children and teenagers from severity level number 3. Depending on the supplementary insurance, health insurance may also cover a part of the treatment for adults.

Are dental brackets the right choice for me?

There is no general rule as to which type of braces – fixed braces or brackets – is best for you. For complex malocclusions that also require movement of the jaw, orthodontic brackets are often the best and most proven treatment method.

However, there are also other types of braces that can correct misaligned teeth, such as:

In our article on different types of braces you will find more information about who these braces are suitable for and what their pros and cons are.

Alternative: Clear aligners vs. dental brackets

Nowadays, many patients are looking for an alternative to conventional brackets. Fixed braces are not only expensive, but for many they are out of the question because of the way they look.

However, not all types of braces can be considered an alternative to orthodontic brackets. There are malocclusions where conventional brackets are the method of choice.

Aligners, i.e. transparent braces, can be a good alternative for mild to moderate malocclusions. Aligners can be removed at any time, giving you full flexibility during the entire treatment. They are also more affordable compared to brackets and straighten your teeth in just 3 to 12 months.






Clear braces

Pros and cons of clear aligners

Pros of aligners

  • Discreet look
  • Removable
  • Low level of pain
  • Fast results
  • Easy to clean

Cons of aligners

  • Not suitable for complex cases
  • Require responsibility and cooperation

Des clients satisfaits

How does teeth straightening work at bestsmile?

Teeth straightening with transparent aligners is an orthodontic method that has been tried and tested for years. Through custom-made dental trays teeth are brought into their desired position step by step. bestsmile has already given over 40,000 people a new and confident smile.

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